Counseling & Consulting
Bilingual Counseling
From an Anthroposophical Orientation
Biography Counseling for Individuals
Couple Counseling
Parent Counseling
Group Process Work through Biography
Courses | Workshops | Retreats
Finding the Thread – Seven Year Cycles and the Biography of the Soul
Lose Yourself to Find Yourself – A Donkey's Journey – A Biography & Art Intensive
Our Children, Ourselves – A Biography Workshop For Parents
The Role of Money in Your Own Life Story
Finding Sources of Strength and Courage
Bringing Waldorf Education Home
Uncovering our Life Stories – A Personal Biography Course
Biography and Inner Development Work for Parents
Awakening to Ourselves
Phases of Human Development
Elements and Temperaments
Inner Development
The Cycle of the Year
Biography Work for Teachers
Biography Work for Parents of Children
Biography Work for Parents of Adolescents
Biography Work for Therapists
Conflict Resolution
Community Integration
Community Building
Mentoring and Evaluating Teachers and Administrators in Waldorf Schools
Development of Foundation Studies in Anthroposophy World-Wide
World Language Programs
Listening Councils in Waldorf Schools
Work with the Center for Biography & Social Art
How are you...Really? Staying Connected While Physically Distanced
Themes Arising: Tending the Hearth & Deepening Courage
Oh, Wait a Minute: An Advent Workshop
Awakening Connections Creating Community
Ongoing Workshops for Waldorf Schools in North America
Upcoming Offerings 2021
Workshops, Courses & Retreats
Available Courses, Workshops & Retreats
The Angels and the Eightfold Path
Through the practice of the Middle Way, The Eightfold Path, we have the opportunity to bring our destiny into order. We begin to be concerned with our task in the same way as our angel is concerned. This path, faithfully followed, leads us out of ourselves and into the world.
This is a course dedicated to a deepened exploration of the faculties and practice that join us to the spiritual world. We will engage in artistic exercises, biography work and conversation, bringing together our questions and experiences.
This is a core course that supports Foundation Studies in Anthroposophy.
This course will meet for four 3 hour sessions over the course of a month via Zoom (for the time being).
"There Slumber in Every Human Being"
A Course to Awaken Us to Our Own Relationship to the Spiritual Worlds
The world stands more than ever in need of insights and actions that are born of the spirit, but what is our connection to the spiritual world? How can we find knowledge and insight to help us connect to ourselves, to others and to the spiritual world in a responsible way.
This is a course dedicated to the exploration of the faculties and conditions that join us with the spiritual world. We will study the chapter "Conditions for Esoteric Training" in Rudolf Steiner's Knowledge of Higher Worlds and its Attainment.
We will engage in artistic exercises, biography work and conversation to explore this territory, bringing together our questions, experiences and practices.
This is a core course that can support any Foundation Studies in Anthroposophy program. Open to all, including those new to anthroposophy.
This course will meet for four 3 hour sessions over the course of a month via Zoom (for the time being).
Unearthing, Watering, Airing Out and Warming
Through the Four Elements to the Four Temperaments
Earth, Water, Air and Fire play essential roles in our relationship to ourselves, to each other and to the world. Through conversation drawing on Rudolf Steiner's insights about the Four Elements, we will explore the mystery of the two streams that combine to create our temperaments.
Discussion as well as artistic and biography exercises will be intrinsic components of this course.
This is a core course that can support any Foundation Studies in Anthroposophy program. Open to all, including those new to anthroposophy.
This course will meet for four 3 hour sessions over the course of a month via Zoom (for the time being).
The Seven Year-Cycles and the Biography of the Soul
Human Development in the Light of Anthroposophy
Our lives unfold in seven-year cycles related to the development of new aspects of the body, soul and spirit. By drawing on Rudolf Steiner’s insights and through studying a fairy tale, this course will give us tools to deepen our understanding of human becoming, to look back over our own biography, and find threads that weave through our life story. In this way, we can begin to see the wisdom that lies at the heart of our challenges and opportunities and to discover truths that free us to stand as responsible human beings able to face the future with courage and resolve.
Artistic activities and exercises, as well as discussion, will be intrinsic components of this course.
Open to all, including those new to biography work and anthroposophy, this course will also serve those who already have experience with this work.
For those interested in pursuing a Foundation Studies in Anthroposophy, Human Development in the Light of Anthroposophy is a core course that can support any Foundation Studies program.
This course will meet for four 3 hour sessions over the course of a month via Zoom (for the time being).
4 Elementos - 4 Temperamentos
Hotel Cartesiano, Puebla, Mexico
Retiro Biografico "El Mapa de la Vida"
Cancun, Mexico
Los Septenios de las Vida
Puebla, Mexico
Introduction to Biography Work
Mexico D.F., Mexico
Jennifer Brooks Quinn
I am a bilingual counselor, adult educator and a former Waldorf high school Spanish teacher with a private counseling and consulting practice. I have over twenty five years of experience using an anthroposophical approach in helping individuals, couples, groups and organizations.
In addition to my extensive work in Waldorf education and anthroposophical studies, I also have completed trainings in biography counseling and psychosynthesis.
I have been the director and a faculty member of Foundation Studies in Anthroposophy in Spring Valley, NY and Brooklyn, NY.
My counseling work seeks to help you understand your own biography. Through enlivening conversation and artistic exercises that reflect on your life story, you can find patterns and threads that guide you to uncover or rediscover the intentions and meaning of your life.These insights allow you to recognize yourself as the author of your own story, giving you the power to more mindfully shape its path into the future.
My counseling and consulting practice is based in North America.
I also teach, consult and lead workshops in Asia and throughout Latin America.